时间:2024-06-15 13:48:06    浏览次数:478     

[1] Junfeng Zhang, Baozhu Du, Suhuan Zhang, Shihong Ding, A double sensitive fault detection filter for positive Markovian jump systems with a hybrid event-triggered mechanism, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2024, 11(11): 2298-2315. (SCI TOP)
[2] Yahao Yang(研究生)Junfeng Zhang, Mengxing Huang, Xuegang Tan, Disturbance observer-based event-triggered control of switched positive systemsIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-II: Express Briefs, 2024, 71(3): 1191-1195. (SCI TOP)
[3] Junfeng Zhang, Tarek Raïssi, Fengyu Lin, Double event-triggered consensus positive multi-agents with disturbance-based proportional integral observerIEEE Systems Journal, Doi: 10.1109/JSYST.2024.3460747. (SCI TOP)
[4] Junfeng ZhangTarek Raïssi, Qiang Li, Di Wu, Distributed adaptive event-triggered fault detection filter of positive semi-Markovian jump systemsNonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 2024, 51: 101441. (SCI)
[5] Pei Zhang(研究生)Junfeng Zhang, Xuan Jia, Regional PID control of switched positive systems with multiple equilibrium pointsIEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2024, 3: 190-201. (EI)
[6] Yuhan Wang, Wei Xing, Junfeng Zhang Le Liu, Xudong Zhao, Remote state estimation under DoS attacks in CPSs with arbitrary tree topology: a Bayesian stackelberg game approachIEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 2024, 10: 527-538. (SCI)

[1] Wei Xing, Shinong Wang, Hao Tang, Bakr Ahmed, Junfeng Zhang, LP-based positive leader-following consensus protocol for PMASs under sensor and actuator faults, 2024 Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2024), December 16-19, 2024, Allianz MiCo, Milan Convention Centre, Italy.
[2] Junfeng Zhang, Christophe Combastel, Denis Efimov, Ali Zolghadri, Robust stability analysis for continuous-time parameter-varying Persidskii systemsThe 22nd European Control Conferences(ECC 2024), 25-28 June 2024, Stockholm, Sweden.